Sample LinkedIn cadence with video

published on 16 March 2023

Week 1:

Day 1 - Engage with prospect's post: Like and comment on a recent post the prospect has made.

Day 2 - Send a connection request: Send the prospect a personalized connection request referencing their recent post and expressing interest in connecting.

Day 3 - If the prospect has not yet accepted engage with another post. If they have accepted, thank them for connecting and introduce yourself.

Day 4 - Share valuable content: Share a piece of valuable content related to the prospect's industry or interests.

Day 5 - Check in: Follow up with a message asking if they found the content useful and if they would like to schedule a call to discuss their needs.

Week 2:

Day 6 - Send a video message: Record a personalized video message introducing yourself, referencing your previous interactions, and expressing interest in learning more about their needs.

Day 7 - Follow up on video message: Follow up with a message asking if they received the video and if they would like to schedule a call to discuss their needs.

Day 8 - Share a case study: Share a case study or success story related to the prospect's industry or needs.

Day 9 - Check in: Follow up with a message asking if they found the case study useful and if they would like to schedule a call to discuss their needs.

Day 10 - Send a calendar invite: Send a calendar invite to schedule a call to discuss their needs.

This is just a sample cadence and you can adjust it to fit your specific sales approach and the needs of your target audience. The goal is to build rapport and provide value at each step while guiding the prospect towards a sales conversation.

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